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Fresh Inspiration for Springtime

13 December 2020

Stock fencing, also known as agricultural fencing is mainly intended for securing orchards, forest areas, plots of land, agricultural areas and recreational areas. It turns out that this type of mesh can be used in many other ways – both as a permanent and temporary fence.

Application of stock fencing

Stock fences are most often used by foresters. Their purpose is to protect the young forest stands against wild herbivores animals.

Farmers also use stock fencing to fence crops and protect them from animals that feed on them. It is also used in animal husbandry and parks, as well as in meadows, orchards and fields.

Our stock fences protect areas against hare, marten, weasel, roe deer, deer, and wild boar depending on the height and mesh density.

In addition, they are also installed along highways, expressways and temporarily on construction sites. It is the most popular type of fencing used in this application.

Investing in a stock fence is also a good idea when you want to fence off a very large private property. Stock fencing works best for this application, because it is quite cheap, durable and very easy to install. Also, while protecting your plot, you don’t expose larger and smaller animals to danger of harming themselves. The structure of the mesh prevents any animal that falls onto it from serious life-threatening injuries.

Stock fencing and its exceptional durability

We use high-quality wire in the production of our stock fences. It is made out of a very strong material, resistant to stretching and breaking. The mesh is also resistant to harmful weather conditions. Thanks to an additional zinc layer, it does not corrode.

It is worth not to allow plants to overgrow the mesh by regularly mowing the thickets around it. This will extend the stock fences lifespan.

Aesthetic and delicate appearance

Stock fences we offer are available in various sizes and dimensions. Their advantage is certainly aesthetic and minimalistic appearance that can be suited to your personal needs. They do not interfere with the natural landscape thanks to their delicate spatial form.

Easy installation process of stock fencing

The advantage of stock fencing is also easy installation. Much simpler than other types of wire mesh. All you need are wooden poles dug into the ground, at a distance of 2 to 3 meters from each other.

It is best to start installing the mesh by attaching it to the posts with staples. An important thing that you must remember is the fact that such a mesh should be stretched at every stage of assembly, not only at the very end.

Thicker edge wires on the top and bottom ensure good tension of the mesh during assembly. They do not require the use of additional tension wires. That’s why, the cost of the fence is minimal.

You can treat the installed mesh as a temporary fence, but it can also stay with you for much longer. The key to success is good installation of the mesh. Then you don’t have to worry about any uninvited guests on your property.

The mesh can be digged into a depth of 10-20 cm, if you want to make sure that no animals can dig up holes under your stock fence. Remeber to additionally protect it against corrosion. You can also anchor it to the ground every 50 cm. This prevents the animals from undermining the net or picking it up from below.

Different types of stock fences

Stock fences can differ in:

  • height – from 60 to over 200 centimeters
  • diameter of the wires
  • density of the weave – depending on the purpose, may be constant along the entire height or gradually decrease upwards

Thickness of the wires is of great importance. It determines the strength of the net. It is particularly important in the case of protection against the largest animals, such as bison or deer.

At our online store you will find 5 different types of stock fences in many different sizes. For more information click here.

What to look for when choosing a stock fence?

When choosing a stock fence, the most important factor is what kind of animal is it supposed to protect your property from. It does not have to be tall if crops are threatened mainly by small animals like hares. But it should have a dense weave of wires at least in the lower part.

It is recommended to go to the nearest forestry headquarters before you buy a stock fence. There you will find out which species of animals are most common in a given area. Foresters can also provide you with information whether stray dogs often appear in the area and cause damage to plots.

As for animals such as deer and wild boars – slightly thicker wires, about 2 mm thick, are used for its production. The mesh should be about 2 meters high to prevent the deer from breaking through it. If you expect a wild boar to appear, you should also take care of a solid foundation under the fence. These animals have a tendency to undermine the fence. In case of any detriment you will have to not only repair the damage caused by the wild boar’s visit, but also bury the holes under the fence. Therefore foundations are an interesting option to think through.

Choosing stock fencing in difficult areas

In lowland areas with mild winters, where the average snow cover during winter is low, you can use mesh with higher density up to 50 cm of its height. Where there is plenty of snow, it must always be 80 cm. In the situation of heavy snowfall the height of the net is reduced by the height of the lying snow, which most animals can walk easily on.

In mountainous areas you should use mesh with the thickest wires (minimum 2.50 mm). This prevents the mesh from “coming off” along with the snow on heavily inclined surfaces during spring thaws.

As you can see stock fences are not only very versatile and durable but also easy to install. With this basic description of their characteristics, we hope that the choice of your dream fencing will be a walk in the park.

For detailed list of all kinds of our stock fences check our online store.