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Fence mesh

30 December 2022

Fence mesh is a universal, affordable and relatively simple way to fence off an area. It is most often used to secure private properties, as well as playing fields, school yards, construction sites, etc. If properly installed, it turns out to be a very effective and durable fence, which is one of the main arguments for its popularity.

The main benefits of using a mesh fence

The fencing mesh has many significant advantages that are appreciated by users who eagerly use this method of fencing areas. First of all, it is available at relatively low prices. It also provides easy and efficient assembly that you can do yourself. There is no need to outsource the work to professionals, which is another factor that reduces the overall cost of mesh fencing.

The fence mesh provides very good strength and flexibility, making it suitable for use even on difficult terrain. Even if it is necessary to create a relatively high fence structure (up to approx. 4 m), it ensures stability. At the same time, it is resistant to a number of weather conditions, such as UV radiation, extreme temperatures, rainfall and wind. In the event of possible damage, the fence mesh can be quickly and cheaply repaired, as well as extended, shortened or changed its position.

Where is the mesh fencing most commonly used?

Fence mesh is most often used for fencing construction sites, orchards and arable plots, as well as industrial areas. It is very often used to separate and secure private property areas. It can be used to separate forest areas as well as areas intended for domestic animals on farms.