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Fresh Inspiration for Springtime

20 December 2020

Stock fencing is most often used in forestry to protect the young forest stand against wild herbivore animals. Such fencing may also protect the local flora and associated fauna. If you are a forester or you want to start a private forest tree nursery, think about choosing our sock fencing.

Forest tree nurseries are separated forest areas where planting material (seedlings and cuttings) of forest trees and shrubs is produced for renewal and afforestation. Wild animals often look for food in such areas. Their presence is often noticeable in spring. The sprouting greenery makes the nurseries the perfect target. Stock fence is the best choice for that application and here are the reasons why.

Characteristics of stock fencing

Our stock fencing is made out of galvanized wires. This ensures its high strength and resistance to mechanical damage, which is especially useful during wild animal attacks. In addition, it can have different density across its length. What makes it popular is its low price and very easy and quick installation. Stock fence is assembled on previously installed posts – steel or wooden, which are a much more economical solution. It is available in many sizes, diameters of wire and densities. That is one of the reasons why it provides such a wide range of applications.

To find the perfect stock fence for your needs, check out our online store.

Perfect long-term fencing

Forest tree nurseries are usually temporary but tree growth takes some time. Trees planted in the nursery never reach their full size. They grow to the size of seedlings and then they are moved to a place in which they stay forever. This might take 5-10 years– depending on the tree species.

Fencing for such nurseries has to stay durable through the whole process of the seedlings growth. Stock fencing is not only sturdy and strong, but it can easily be moved to another area when all the seedlings have been moved. Our stock fence can be used many times, as long as it’s carefully disassembled and stored in the right conditions.

Protection against wild animals

Tree nurseries are usually located in close proximity to all wildlife. With that comes the risk of wild animals overturning, climbing, jumping, pushing through or under the fencing. A panicking deer may also jump over or become tangled in the fence.

Stock fencing will perfectly do its job in that application, because of its outstanding flexibility. Thin, bendable steel wires will not break under pressure. The production method and the quality of the material allows us to make fencing with high durability, thanks to which the structure copes well with the pressure of both small and large game.

The smooth surface of the wires enables the animals from getting scratched or hurt in any other way. In order to minimize this possibility, the size of the mesh must be selected according to the species of animals that most often occur in the area of ​​interest.

We recommend going to the nearest forestry headquarters to find out what species of animals are most common in your area.

It is also important to avoid fencing across established major wildlife pathways. The local forester will be able to point out established animal paths and whether fencing will change their pattern of behavior or result in possible damage to the fence.

Stock fencing in crop protection

If crops are primarily threatened by small animals like hares, it does not have to be tall, but should have a dense weave of wires at least in the lower part. In areas with heavy snowfall the density should be high throughout the whole length of the fence because of snowdrifts that gather around the fence and allow small animals to jump over it.

For protection against larger animals, a mesh about two meters high with larger spacing between the wires will be necessary. The thickness of the wires is also of great importance – it determines the strength of the net that is especially important in the case of protection against boar or deer.

It might be useful to dig the mesh into the ground to a depth of about 20 cm. Thanks to this, it won’t get undermined by wild boars or foxes

Overall to protect the seedlings from a variety of different animals it is best to choose:

  • mesh size that will exclude the smallest species
  • fence height that will shield against the most agile jumpers or climbers
  • material strength that will withstand the most powerful

Here you can find our stock fencing in a variety of mesh seizes and heights.

Flexibility of structure

Forrest areas can be difficult to fence – most of the time they are quite uneven. Soil might be loose or loamy in places and often consists of lots of rocks and stones.

Stock fencing has an advantage of being very flexible – it will match up to the slope of the ground and lay down in a line with the terrain, no matter how uneven it might be. Also, installation of stock fencing can be done in even the most difficult conditions.

It is worth taking into account local climate – like a valley or exposed hilltop prone to drifting snow. Moving the fence line up or down a hillside can reduce the fences risk of falling due to the weight of snow or animals crossing snow bridges.

Affordable and easy to install fencing 

One of the biggest arguments in choosing stock fencing for forest tree nurseries is it’s price and easy installation process. To assemble stock fencing you only need a few necessary materials: the mesh, steel or wooden posts and staples or construction nails. Those few things add up to a really low price for the whole fence.

Usually with stock fencing there is one thing to consider: choosing steel or wooden posts. In forest areas wooden posts are an obvious choice. With an abundance of wood all around it is the best option.

The strength and durability of the poles should be matched to the strength of fence required to discourage the wildlife in the area and the period of time for which the fence is needed. Untreated wooden poles may last for 3–5 years and be sufficient for some temporary fencing.

If the fence is required for a longer period  of time, it is necessary to treat the wooden poles with a preservative or to use more durable wood, like English oak or sweet chestnut. You can also choose cheaper moderately durable wood, like Douglas fir and pine or even cheaper and more available temporary wood, like poplar, ash or spruce.

Here you can find simple instructions on how to install stock fencing.